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Hotel Tabáa Oaxaca with address in Barrio de Jalatlaco Oaxaca, Oax CP 68080, is responsible for obtaining and using your personal data, the use that is given to them as well as their protection.


In attention to what is stated in articles 8,15,16 and 36 of the FEDERAL LAW ON THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA IN POSSESSION OF INDIVIDUALS (LFPDPPP).


The objective


It is to give adequate, controlled use and in accordance with the law of the personal data that is handled for the processes of the Administrative System in Hotel Tabáa Oaxaca.

Your information is required for the hotel's internal processes. Among the means to obtain it are registration slips, telephone reservations, quotes, agreements, satisfaction surveys, your comments, complaints and/or suggestions.

The personal data requested are:


  • Full name (Names, Paternal and maternal surname).

  • Guest Signature

  • home phone and cell phone.

  • Credit or debit card data

  • E-mail.

  • Origin.

  • RFC


This information will be used for the following purposes:


  • Security in the guest's stay.

  • Preparation of reservations

  • Tax receipts.

  • Sending promotional information of the company

  • To generate a database of customers;

  • Improvement of control and performance of subsequent service processes.


Security and protection of your personal data


The purpose of the Hotel Tabáa Oaxaca is that the personal data and/or sensitive data, which may be collected by virtue of this Privacy Notice, may be used for the proper operation and purposes of the Hotel and the government authorities that require it. ; the foregoing in order that they may be used for administrative, marketing, sales, statistical and other purposes that may be of interest and/or for the benefit of the Holder.

The protection of personal data is the responsibility of Hotel Tabáa Oaxaca, who will take the necessary measures to prevent the loss and/or theft of information stored in physical and digital files.
We promise not to transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except for the exceptions provided for in article 37 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, as well as to carry out this transfer in the terms established by that law. .

Exceptions to Article 37:

When the transfer is provided for in a Law or Treaty to which Mexico is a party;

When the transfer is necessary for the prevention or medical diagnosis, the provision of health care, medical treatment or the management of health services;

When the transfer is made to holding companies, subsidiaries or affiliates under the common control of the person in charge, or to a parent company or to any company of the same group as the person in charge that operates under the same processes and internal policies;

When the transfer is necessary by virtue of a contract concluded or to be concluded in the interest of the owner, by the person in charge and a third party;

When the transfer is necessary or legally required to safeguard a public interest, or for the procurement or administration of justice;

When the transfer is necessary for the recognition, exercise or defense of a right in a judicial process, and

When the transfer is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of a legal relationship between the person in charge and the owner.

For the exceptions provided for in article 37 of the Federal Data Protection Law, if you do not express your opposition to the transfer of your personal data, it will be understood that you have given your consent to do so.


Express indication of sensitive personal data.


At Hotel Tabáa Oaxaca, in addition to the personal data mentioned above, for the purposes informed in this privacy notice we will use the following personal data considered sensitive: present and future health status, religious, philosophical and moral beliefs, union affiliation. We inform you that the treatment of the aforementioned sensitive personal data is intended for Hotel Tabáa Oaxaca to comply with the obligations derived from the legal relationship we have with the Owner. We promise that they will be treated under security measures that guarantee their confidentiality.


Means to revoke consent for the processing of personal data

You may revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by means of a request that you must send to the Official Privacy Officer, in writing, by email or by telephone. If after the revocation you request confirmation of it, the Responsible will respond expressly.


Means to exercise ARCO rights


You have the right to: (i) access your personal data in our possession and know the details of their treatment, (ii) rectify them if they are inaccurate or incomplete, (iii) cancel them when you consider that they are not required to any of the purposes indicated in this privacy notice, are being used for non-consensual purposes or the contractual or service relationship has ended, or (iv) oppose their treatment for specific purposes, as stated by law, ( jointly, the “ARCO Rights”).

To exercise your ARCO Rights, you must submit a request (the “Arco Request”), to the Responsible, to the Privacy Official attention, to the Contact Address, accompanied by the following information and documentation:

Your name, address and email to be able to communicate the response to the ARCO Request;

A copy of the documents that prove your identity (copy of IFE, passport or any other official identification) or, where appropriate, the documents that prove your legal representation, the original of which must be presented in order to receive the response from the Responsible;

A clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which you seek to exercise any of the ARCO Rights;

Any document or information that facilitates the location of your personal data, and;

In case of requesting a rectification of your personal data, you must also indicate the modifications to be made and provide the documentation that supports your request.

The Privacy Officer will respond to your ARCO Request and the reasons for your decision by email.


Cookies and Web Beacons


It is worth mentioning that when accessing internet sites you may find "cookies", which are text files that are automatically downloaded and stored on the hard drive of the user's computer equipment when browsing a specific internet page, which allow record some of your data on the Internet server.

Likewise, Internet pages may contain "web beacons", which are images inserted in the page or email, which can be used to monitor the behavior of a visitor, as well as to store information about the user's IP address, duration of the interaction time of said page and the type of browser used, among others.

By virtue of the foregoing, we inform you that Hotel Tabáa Oaxaca may use "cookies" and "web beacons" for a better performance of the site.


ARCO Rights


The rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of personal data.

You have the right to access, rectify and cancel your personal data, as well as to oppose their treatment or revoke the consent that you have given us for this purpose, through the procedures marked by the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals

If you consider that your right to protection of personal data has been violated by any conduct of Hotel Tabáa Oaxaca, you can file the corresponding complaint or complaint with the IFAI, for more information visit


For any questions, clarification and/or data rectification, contact the telephone number: 01 (951) 132 7487 or email:


Connect with us!

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Phone: +52 (951) 132 7487

WhatsApp: +52 951 433 4007

Refugio 201-C Jalatlaco,

Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca 68080

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© 2022 Hotel Tabaa Oaxaca

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